• Published :December 04, 2023
  • Client :Accurate
  • Category :,
  • Website :https://www.accurate.com/
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The problem

Having acquired similar businesses from the UK and Australia, Accurate was looking for a way to modernize their website, make it easy to use and navigate for their users, and above all combine the newly acquired businesses with their existing one. Since multi-site can sometimes be complicated, they were looking for a simplified yet high quality website to propel their business even further on the market.

The Solution

We developed Accurate website on multisite WordPress CMS. The site was fully responsiveness across all platforms and easy to use for their users and marketing team. Advanced Custom Field Pro (ACF Pro) was used as a theme builder and Max Mega Menu was used for the menus. The DRY code concept (Don’t Repeat Yourself) was used to create blocks and Bootstrap 5 was used to create a responsive mobile-first view. WordPress multisite was used to ensure seamless performance and experience across regions. The overall quality of the website was improved by writing high-quality code and following the latest WordPress development processes.